helping you to make decisions on your next project......
Timber Frame Builders Perth
As you delve into the complexities of constructing or renovating your dream home, one pivotal factor often underestimated is the number of selections for materials, fixtures fittings and colours that must be selected for all items within the build. Hence, we believe an interior designer is your best partner in crime in this area. At Distinct Building Company, we give you the option to make your own selections. We do not have standard selections like the volume or larger scale builders have. We want your home to be custom to you and what you desire. However, we do have preferred suppliers we work with that we highly recommend; but ultimately, it is your home and your design, so you are free to choose your materials. We always recommend that you consult with an interior designer to ensure that the product of your home is everything you want it to be and more! This consulting should be done as soon as possible in the design phase to ensure the function flow and look of your home is what you envisioned from the get-go. This blog explores the varied reasons why investing in an interior designer proves to be a sensible financial decision. Time Management: Simplifying Material Selections |
AuthorJane Issitt Distinct Archives
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